Sleiman Bassim

I apply computational statistics to genomic & genetic data

Will machine learners be as significant as their overall performance?

13 Sep 2018 » bioinformatics

Comparing machine learning models entails comparison of their overall performance. Such performance takes into consideration different metrics.

  • These metrics showcase the amount of statistical power a model ranks against others
    • Accuracy score
    • Significance score
    • F1 statistics
    • Feature importance score
    • Area under the ROC curve
    • Recall/Precision ratio
    • Specificity/Sensitivity ratio
    • Confidence intervals at 95%
    • Chi-squared, Kappa & false discovery rates
    • Positive & negative likelihood ratio
    • Precision & prevalence
    • Divergence score
    • Miss rates & false negative

Accordingly, in the scatterplot below, I show a clear linearity between increased accuracy predicting a machine learning class and the significance of the classification. This significance consider how much chance is involved in predicting randomly one class as the correct class.

Performance scatterplot